1 Monthly maintenance fee applies. Per item charges will be assessed for
each transaction. Please contact our Customer Service at 1 (877) 820-2265 for additional information.
2 Federal Regulation D limits certain types of withdrawal and transfer
transactions you can make out of your savings or money market account to
a maximum combined total of six (6) preauthorized transfers per month.
These transactions include automatic transfers for overdraft coverage
to your checking account, checks, drafts or similar other withdrawals
payable to third parties, point-of-sale (POS) purchase transactions with
an ATM/debit card, or by preauthorized or automatic payment transfers
(including ACH and wire transfers) via telephone or online (including
Bill Pay). Excessive transactions may incur a fee and the Bank, at its
discretion, either closing your account or changing your account to a
noninterest-bearing account.
3 Interest for the Public Funds Net
Analysis Checking account is calculated and paid on the net remaining
average available balance after service charges are offset by earnings
credit and credited to the account monthly.