MACATAWA BANK is now A WINTRUST COMMUNITY BANK. Click here for more information.
woman in orange shirt holding up a frisbee in front of a crowd outside.


Serving the communities where we live and work is a core value.

We recognize the power of volunteerism, contributing financial support and resources and collaborating with local businesses and non-profits to help our communities thrive. 

Our employees volunteer thousands of hours and Macatawa Bank supports hundreds of local community organizations annually.  Take a look at where we’ll be next.


11/4 - Eagles for Excellence Gala
We are proud to be one of the sponsors for Hudsonville Education Foundation's gala. The organization invests in academic opportunities for Hudsonville Public Schools students by providing funding for resources that enrich education. To learn more about this foundation please visit

11/22 - Celebrate Degage
Degage Ministries serves the Grand Rapids area by providing services for individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty. Their annual fundraising luncheon will be held at 12:00 pm at the L.V. Eberhard Center in downtown Grand Rapids. It is a free event. For more about this organization please visit

11/22 - Raising Hope Fundraiser
The Raising Hope fundraiser serves to support over 50 social service programs provided by Catholic Charities West Michigan. Macatawa Bank will be sponsoring this year's event, held at 7:00 pm at Frederick Meijer Gardens. To learn more about this organization visit

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