Even in today’s digital world, checks are commonplace, although definitely not something you do every day. They are still an effective and inexpensive way to pay someone. You may have never written a check before, or just have a few questions, so we’ve put together a handy list of the proper steps to complete a check. It can be done in any order, but for this example, we are starting at the top right hand of the check and ending at the bottom right side of the check.
1 – Date the check, write today's date on the line in the top right-hand corner
2 – Who are you writing it to? On the "Pay to the order of" line, write the name of the person or company that you want to pay
3 – Amount – Write the amount of the check in numbers ($123.20)
4 – Amount – Write the amount legibly in words (One hundred twenty-three and 20/100
5 – Complete the memo – this is optional but a helpful reference for knowing why you wrote the check
6 – Sign – Sign your name on the line at the bottom right-hand corner.