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Stressed about money?

More than half of Americans said they experience anxiety about their financial situation, according to a recent poll. This financial anxiety occurs “all the time” or “often” for 1 in 4 of those polled.

Financial pressures add up to anxiety

The following financial pressures cause high or moderate levels of anxiety for poll respondents.

  • Rising cost of health care: 59%
  • Unplanned financial emergency: 55%
  • Unplanned health emergency: 53%
  • Level of savings: 48%
  • Income: 48%
  • Debt: 42%
  • Planning for retirement: 41%

We are here to help

If you’re feeling anxious or worried about your finances, reviewing your situation with one of our financial experts in our branches can help. We can identify ways to help you manage debt, build savings and stress less about your money.

Contact form


Call our Customer Experience Hub at (877) 820-2265 to schedule a conversation with a banker.

Source: 2018 Northwestern Mutual Planning & Progress Study

We're happy to help.

Looking for answers? Need some sound advice? Want to talk over your financial options? Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.
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